Sunday, July 11, 2010

In the City of SISTERLY Love

I have to start by saying how excited I am to find out people actually read my blog, and that with this new found knowledge I promise to update everyday. With that being said I have a fantastic weekend to update the world on.

For me, my friends are my everything, and as I get older I truly believe more and more in the idea that your friends become you family, or as a woman much wiser than I said, maybe our friends can be our soul mates, and men can be great to come into our lives and have fun with. So this weekend I spent my time with my soul mates. I was able to see Little Blonde in a Big City and spend some time talking about getting back into the swing of life in Philly. And then the rest of the weekend was spent with my sisters, who really have become just that.

If anyone were to have asked me this time two years ago if I would be spending almost every weekend possible in Philadelphia with my sorority sisters, I would have laughed in their faces. Then I wasn't even looking forward to college, and I loathed the idea of "paying for friends". But my how times have changed. I see what sorority and sisterhood really mean, and how they are helping me become a better person.

But I digress, this weekend was the celebration of one of my sisters birthdays and we did just that, celebrate. And I know that I had a fabulous time, and look forward to the many many more times we will have to share in all kinds of nonsense and shambles.

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