I know you have all been on the edge of your seat waiting to find out exactly what I would get to make the trip back to the homeland. Well you have to wait no more because here it is....

First there is this beauty. I love being super organized and being on top of everything. And this year I will be super busy with school, sorority, my job (Did I mention I got a fabulousssss job as a nanny at school??), and my obviously popping social life. Queue the crickets. I got the Mini Agenda from Lilly, and I adore it, its the perfect size for both my school bag and purse, because you never know when you are going to need to jot things down.

Probably the most important purchase for school. Period. I don't know about everyone else, but it seems to rain more now that I'm in college and have to walk everywhere than it ever did when I got to drive to school. I had an adorable pair of Sperry's rain boots, but after just two years, my beautiful boots have had it. I love these new ones because they are plaid, with just a hint of color, which is incredibly similar to my first pair.
But since it is my third year at school (ahhh!! where does time go???) I didn't have to get anything really fun. I have all of my bedding and stuff, which is now well broken in and oh so comfy! But I did get cute clothes, lots of the basics which would bore everyone to put pictures of 6 different colored v-necks.
So now just 39 hours until its time to return to the City of Brotherly Lovee!!
I have that agenda and I love it! It is amazing!