Friday, June 11, 2010

Lucky Number Seven

After many weeks and months of reading fashion blogs, I decided it was time to jump on the bandwagon and get myself a blog. So for my very first post I will be telling you the SEVEN most important things about me. (I chose seven because it has always been my favorite number, for no real reason at all.)

One. I truly am a city girl. I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. I now go to school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I eventually plan on moving further north to New York after my many years of education are over. When I say I'm a city girl, I mean it. I am unafraid of public transportation (thank you SEPTA), I know how to deal with the constant wind that sky-scrapers always seem to generate in their shadows, and I can parallel park to save my life. With that being said, I did not grow up in a city like New York, so I did have a yard and a driveway, but my urban neighborhood was wonderfully eclectic and still somewhat bound to its original German roots.

Two. I am a walking contradiction. Just like in those crazy Starburst commercials with the albino lifeguard and the Scotch-Koreans, I am quite the contradiction. I have an incredibly German last name. Yet, I was born into an off-the-boat Irish family. I was raised Roman Catholic. Yet, I am in the process of converting to Judaism. Crazy right? I think all these crazy little tidbits make me that much more fabulous. :)

Three. To describe myself I sound like the girliest girly girl (and a bad stereotype). I spent 13 in Catholic School, with my high school years being spent at a predominant all-girls school in Baltimore. (Our most famous alumna just happens to be Nancy Pelosi. I always thought that was nifty.) I then went off to college and joined a sorority. I am an incredibly proud sister of Phi Sigma Sigma. To add to all this, I love fashion. No one would ever call me a model, nor would I say people envy my wardrobe; but I work with what I have. As a poor college student I know how hard and fun it can be to be a recessionista :) But I would definitely call my style geeky chic. I love preppy lines, Lilly, Vineyard Vines, Ralph Lauren, and so many more, but as I am in school and once again POOR, I unfortunately cannot buy the clothes I so dearly want. So I make the best out of what Target, H&M, American Eagle, Martin & Osa, and of course my mother's vintage closet offer.
Four. I know an obscene amount of random information. I think Wikipedia is the greatest invention ever! It might not always be 100% correct, but it does the job. I love celebrity gossip. And most importantly, I know everything about the Kennedy Family. Not in a creepy way, but they fascinate me. I always thought I was a princess, and the Kennedys are the closest America has to a royal family, so thus I always wanted to be a Kennedy.
Five. I’m obsessed with a unique collection of t.v. shows and movies. My all time favorite show is Sex and the City. I’m a total Charlotte. But SATC is followed closely by Glee, The OC, Degrassi: The New Generation (where a young man named Aubrey Graham got his start, look him up, your mind will be blown), Gossip Girl and Greek. For movies my favorites are much more diverse than the girly t.v. shows. Love Actually is my all time favorite, but I also love old movies like Casablanca and Gone With the Wind, and I also have a great affinity for war movies, especially Saving Private Ryan. I often times wonder how I could become a movie critic. No really, how does one get that job, because I would be fantastic at it.
Six. I love to read. Give me a book and I will read it, even if I don’t like it. I’m in an awkward transition point right now where I’ve read every young adult series known to man, but I haven’t really moved into the more adult books that people like Oprah and Victoria Beckham read and make them instant best sellers. I will admit though, proudly, that my favorite book of all time is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. You can say what you want, but some day in 11th grades everywhere Harry Potter will be required reading for British Literature classes. And that will be a great day.
Seven. I’ve always wanted to go into politics. First let me say, I want to be in politics, but I don’t want to be a politician. I want to be the girl standing 12 feet behind the person at the podium, listening as that brilliant public figure reads my words to the nation. But until I reach that point I should get used to coffee runs and copy machines, because that’s how you earn your way into the vicious and wonderful world of politics.

So in seven very simple, but kind of long, points, that is me.

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